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Sunday, December 26, 2021
Helium bath splash
Ions packed in a helium nanodroplet remain protected on impact. Credit: University Innsbruck While working with helium nanodroplets, scienti...
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder found in recently evolved region of the ‘dark genome’
They say these new proteins can be used as biological indicators to distinguish between the two conditions, and to identify patients more pr...
New materials for quantum technologies
Marc A. Wilde investigates materials with special symmetries, such as manganese-silicon, in the laboratory of the TUM chair for Experimental...
Controlled burning of natural environments could help offset our carbon emissions
The finding points to a new method of manipulating the world’s natural capacity for carbon capture and storage, which can also help to maint...
Scientists, students will utilize newly launched James Webb Space Telescope for solar system research
The flight mirrors for the James Webb Space Telescope undergo cryogenic testing at NASA Marshall. Credit: Ball Aerospace In one of the most ...
New grafting technique could combat the disease threatening Cavendish bananas
Credit: Steve Hopson Grafting is the technique of joining the shoot of one plant with the root of another, so they continue to grow together...
Nasal spray to fight COVID-19 heads to clinical trial
The coronavirus in culture. Credit: Dr Julian Druce VIDRL, Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity. An at-home nasal spray treatm...
Friday, December 24, 2021
Lizards offer new possibilities for artificial lungs
Male Brown anole displaying dewlap When it comes to studying lungs, humans take up all the air, but it turns out scientists have a lot to le...
Research suggests deer could be a possible source of human infection
Douglas Watts, Ph.D., right, professor of biological sciences at The University of Texas at El Paso, and Pedro Palermo, manager of the UTEP ...
COVID-19 infection detected in deer in 9 Ohio locations
Credit: Heidi-Ann Fourkiller SFLORG Scientists have detected infection by at least three variants of the virus that causes COVID-19 in free-...
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