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Monday, January 31, 2022
New study finds some flowers unchanged for 100 million years
Flower preserved in amber Credit: The Open University An international research team has discovered 100-million-year-old fossil flowers pres...
Number of Earth’s tree species estimated to be 14% higher than currently known, with some 9,200 species yet to be discovered
Coniferous mixed forest, Val Saisera, Italian Julian Alps, Italy. Image credit: Dario Di Gallo, Regional Forest Service of Friuli Venezia Gi...
Low Volcanic Temperature Ushered in Global Cooling and the Thriving of Dinosaurs
Researchers in Japan, Sweden, and the US have unearthed evidence that low volcanic temperatures led to the fourth mass extinction, enabling ...
Understanding coral reef connectivity important to focus conservation efforts
Coral reef in Fiji. Photo credit: Joao Paulo Krajewski Local fisheries and their associated biodiversity benefit from the transfer of larvae...
2D materials could be used to simulate brain synapses in computers
Credit: KTH Royal Institute of Technology With the introduction of a new component material, researchers at KTH take another step toward com...
Quantum leap on film
Jumping electrons: Using a combination of scanning tunneling microscopy and laser spectroscopy with attosecond pulses, Max Planck researcher...
Molecular machine in the nanocontainer
Lars Schäfer from Theoretical Chemistry examined a nanocreis with colleagues from South Korea. Credit: Ruhr University Bochum / Marquard Wha...
Study shows how temperate rainforests can aid the fight against climate change
Fenced livestock enclosures at the edge of oak woodland at Piles Copse where efforts are ongoing to encourage woodland expansion. Credit: Th...
Individuals with immunodeficiency at high risk of mortality following SARS-CoV-2 infection
Patients with primary and secondary immunodeficiency are at higher risk of mortality following SARS-CoV-2 infection compared with the genera...
Sunday, January 30, 2022
Hubble Captures Chameleon Cloud I
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, K. Luhman and T. Esplin (Pennsylvania State University), et al., and ESO; Processing: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic U...
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