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Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Underwater cave fossil site gains state protections
A reconstruction of the South Australian cave site which has been heritage listed due to its abundance of megafauna fossils. Image by Peter ...
How Omicron dodges the immune system
Meriem Bekliz, first author, with a plaque-reduction neutralization assay used to determine the neutralizing capacity of antibodies. Credit:...
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Study reveals why highly infectious cholera variant mysteriously died out
Water sample in test tube Credit: Photo by Martin Lopez A new study reveals why a highly infectious variant of the cholera bug, which caused...
Researchers expand understanding of vortex spread in superfluids
An illustration of a vortex tangle. Credit: Wei Guo/FAMU-FSU College of Engineering An international team of scientists featuring Florida St...
COVID-19 virus spike protein flexibility improved by human cell's own modifications
University of Illinois researchers created atomic-level models of the spike protein that plays a key role in COVID-19 infection and immunity...
Why natural gas is not a bridge technology
The expansion of the natural gas infrastructure poses a risk to the energy transition, since natural gas is not a bridge technology towards ...
Astronomers Identified the Nature of Instability in the Accretion Disk of the Galaxy NGC 4258
The galaxy NGC 4258 is 22.8 million light-years from Earth. Photo Credit: NASA An international group of researchers, including Andrey Sobol...
Gut bacteria potential key to IBD and colon cancer prevention
Jakob Begun ATH - Associate Professor Mater Research Institute-UQ Faculty of Medicine Source: University of Queensland Researchers have iso...
Shedding light on comet Chury’s unexpected chemical complexity
Data from comet “Chury”, collected while the comet passed the point of its orbit closest to the Sun, shows a plethora of surprising molecule...
Monday, July 4, 2022
These Energy-Packed Batteries Work Well in Extreme Cold and Heat
Study first author Guorui Cai, a nanoengineering postdoctoral researcher at UC San Diego, prepares a battery pouch cell for testing at subfr...
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