. Scientific Frontline: SwRI models pluto-charon formation scenario that mimics earth-moon system

Thursday, January 9, 2025

SwRI models pluto-charon formation scenario that mimics earth-moon system

Using advanced models, SwRI led new research that indicates that the formation of Pluto and Charon may parallel that of the Earth-Moon system. In the resulting 'kiss-and-captureâ regime, Pluto and Charon collide and stick together in the shape of a snowman. They rotate as one body until Pluto pushes Charon out into a stable orbit.
Image Credit: Courtesy of SwRI/Adeene Denton/Robert Melikyan

A NASA postdoctoral researcher at Southwest Research Institute has used advanced models that indicate that the formation of Pluto and Charon may parallel that of the Earth-Moon system. Both systems include a moon that is a large fraction of the size of the main body, unlike other moons in the solar system. The scenario also could support Pluto’s active geology and possible subsurface ocean, despite its location at the frozen edge of the solar system.

“We think the Earth-Moon system initiated when a Mars-sized object hit the Earth and led to the formation of our large Moon sometime later,” said Dr. Adeene Denton, who led the research, published in Nature Geoscience. “In comparison, Mars has two tiny moons that look like potatoes, while the moons of the giant planets make up a small fraction of their total systems.”

SwRI applied advanced models to the impact formation of Pluto and Charon near the edge of the solar system. When proto-Charon impacts proto-Pluto, they both maintain their structural integrity and eventually separate, likely preserving the ancient structures of both bodies. The interior structures could be quite ancient. Pluto and Charon likely exchanged some material between each other but didn't lose a lot of material to the solar system.
Credit: Courtesy of SwRI/Denton, et al/2025

In 2005, SwRI Vice President Dr. Robin Canup performed simulations that first demonstrated that the Pluto-Charon pair could have originated with a giant collision. However, those simplified early models treated the colliding material as a strengthless fluid. In the last five years, advancements in impact formation models have included material strength properties. Integrating this information into the simulation results in Pluto behaving like it has a rocky core covered in ice, which changes the outcome significantly.

“In previous models, when proto-Charon hit proto-Pluto, you have a massive shearing effect of fluids that looks like two blobs in a lava lamp that bend and swirl around each other,” she said. “Adding in structural properties allows friction to distribute the impact momentum, leading to a ‘kiss-and-capture’ regime.”

When Pluto and Charon collide, they stick together in the shape of a snowman. They rotate as one body until Pluto pushes Charon out into a stable orbit.

“Most cosmic collisions are what we call a hit-and-run, when an impactor hits a planet and keeps going,” Denton continued. “Or an impactor hits a planet, and they merge, which is called a graze and merge. For the Pluto-Charon system, we have a new paradigm where the two bodies hit and then stick together but do not merge because they are behaving like rock and ice.”

Pluto and Charon likely exchanged some material between each other but didn’t lose a lot of material to the solar system. Pluto is bigger and started and ended up with much more rock than ice, while Charon is smaller and about 50% rock and 50% ice. The bodies maintain their structural integrity and eventually separate, likely preserving the ancient structures of both bodies, which initially formed in the Kuiper Belt. The interior structures could be quite ancient.

“And this collision scenario supports the formation of other moons, such as Pluto’s four other tiny, lumpy satellites,” she said.

This new model tells us how the impact may have happened but not when, which is significant, particularly because Pluto is thought to be geologically active and may have a liquid ocean beneath its icy surface.

“Even if Pluto starts out really cold, which makes more sense from a solar system evolution perspective, the giant impact and the subsequent tidal forces following the separation could result in an ocean down the line,” said Denton. “And that has pretty big implications for the Kuiper Belt as a whole, because eight of the 10 largest Kuiper Belt objects are similar to Pluto and Charon.”

Published in journalNature Geoscience

Title: Capture of an ancient Charon around Pluto

Authors: C. Adeene Denton, Erik Asphaug, Alexandre Emsenhuber, and Robert Melikyan

Source/CreditSouthwest Research Institute

Reference Number: ps010925_01

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